Many companies will match your gift to 10,000 Degrees. Contact your Human Resources Department to find out if they will match all or a portion of your contribution. 10,000 Degrees is a 501(c) 3 not-for-profit corporation. Tax ID#95-3667812.
Does your company or employer conduct a workplace giving campaign that allows you to designate 10,000 Degrees for a one-time gift or payroll deduction? Workplace giving campaigns are a convenient and economical way to give, allowing donors to spread out payroll deductions over the course of the year.
If you have any questions about how to support 10,000 Degrees through workplace giving or matching gifts, please contact our Development Department using the form at the bottom of this page.
Please make checks payable to 10,000 Degrees and mail to
1401 Los Gamos Drive, Suite 205 San Rafael, CA 94903
When Notifying 10,000 Degrees That A Stock Transfer Will Be Made, Please Provide The Following Information