Career Resources
Jobs & Internships
Access a wealth of tools, strategies, and job search resources to help you find the perfect opportunities and navigate the competitive landscape of today’s job market.
Searching for a job or internship takes time and patience. It’s almost like a full-time job itself! The industry you’re searching in, where you live, and the local economy all play factors in how many jobs are available at any given time. Most people have to apply to many (dozens!) of jobs to get an offer that is a good fit. With a little preparation and patience, you will find something!
Pro Tip
Jobs Search for Independent Contractors & Freelancers
Job search sites and resources for independent contractors and freelancers
Source: 10,000 Degrees
Job Search Sites for Black Professionals
Job and internship search sites for Black professionals
Source: 10,000 Degrees
Job & Internship Search
Job and internship search sites
Source: 10,000 Degrees
7 Steps for a Successful Job or Internship Search
Set yourself up for a successful job or internship search.
Source: 10,000 Degrees
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LinkedIn’s Job Search Guide Helping you find a new job
Simple steps to get you started on your job search.
Source: LinkedIn
How to De-Stress From the Job Search
Four ways to de-stress from the job search, including tips for organizing the process so it’s more effective for you.
Source: Idealist
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5 Indeed Job Search Tips
Five easy tips for a better job search strategy.