Career Resources

Disabilities & Neurodiversity

Explore resources, career search advice, and workplace best practices for individuals with disabilities and/or neurodiversity.

Welcoming and inclusive workplaces will value individuals with disabilities and those who are neurodivergent. Sometimes individuals may need to advocate for their needs in the workplace, depending on their disability. Deciding how and when to disclose a disability or neurodiversity – visible or invisible – is an individual choice based on your needs and goals. Your workplace needs may change over time based on your disability or based on your role. Depending on the disability or neurodiversity needs, some individuals may seek workplace accommodations and others won’t. Regardless, it’s important to know about the resources available to you, including the advocacy organizations that focus on disability rights in the workplace.

Pro Tip

If you have a disability and/or are neurodivergent, there are many resources available to guide you through disclosing your disability and seeking accommodations, should you choose to. Start with exploring trusted resources to understand your rights and options.

Best Practices

Understanding Your Rights

Understand your rights and the laws that protect individuals with a disability/disabilities.

Source: 10,000 Degrees

Disclosing a Disability to an Employer

Know why and when to discuss a disability with an employer.

Source: 10,000 Degrees

Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace

When and how to request reasonable accommodations.

Source: 10,000 Degrees


Individuals who are neurodivergent may benefit from accommodations and/or utilizing resources to support their success in the workplace.

Source: 10,000 Degrees

Job Websites for Students with Disabilities & Neurodiversity

Job and internship search sites for students who have disabilities and/or neurodivergence.

Source: 10,000 Degrees

From the Web

Financial Literacy for Students

Financial guidance for students

Source: Bank of America

Your Accommodation Request Was Denied. What Now?

What to do if your accommodation request is denied

Source: JAN

Neurodiversity Career Connector

Employers committed to neurodiversity-focused hiring initiatives

Source: Simplify hire

Career Preparation: Neurodiversity Network

Resources for neurodivergent job seekers and students, employers & universities, & the community

Source: Neurodiversity Network

Neurodivergent Job Seeker Resources

Resources to help you at every stage of your employment journey

Source: enna

Opportunity: ADHD at Work

Search for jobs and learn tips for seeking work through this opportunity

Source: Adda

Job Tips for Adults with ADHD

Five steps for landing the interview

Source: ADDitude

Employment Opportunities: Getting Hired

Expanding opportunities for diverse talents, including job seekers with disabilities

Source: Getting Hired

Employment Opportunities: AbilityJOBS

Providing opportunities to people with disabilities since 1995

Source: abilityJobs

Employment Opportunities: Chronically Capable

Opportunities for people with chronic illness and disabilities

Source: Chronically Capable


Rebranding disability through achievement

Source: Lime

Mental Health Conditions in the Workplace: Your Legal Rights

Learn about mental health legal guidance

Source: U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Disability Equality Index

About the Disability Equality Index

Source: American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) & Disability:IN

Financial Education & Empowerment for People with Disabilities

Learn about financial inclusion

Source: National Disability Institute

Early Career Talent Accelerator

Opportunity for people with disabilities

Source: Disability:IN

Office of Disability Employment Policy: Accommodations

Overview of accommodations in the workplace

Source: Office of Disability Employment Policy

Proof of Disability Letter from a Doctor

What is proof of disability documentation?

Source: U.S. Office of Personnel Management

Disclosing a Disability

When and how to disclose a disability to your employer

Source: CareerOneStop

Sample Language for Accommodation Request Letters

Examples of Accommodation Request Letters

Source: Job Accommodation Network

Sample Request Letter for Accommodation

Sample Accommodation Request Letters

Source: Legal Aid at Work

Resources for Californians

An Introduction to State and Federal Laws regarding disabilities in the workplace

Source: Legal Aid at Work

Reporting a Disability Rights Violation

Everything about filing a complaint


Job Opportunities

Connect to a dynamic talent pool of applicants to a network of employers that values inclusion

Source: AbilityLinks

Job Opportunities

Find jobs with companies committed to hiring individuals with disabilities

Source: DisabledPerson

Disability Advocacy

Empowering individuals with disabilities

Source: Respect Ability

U.S. Dept of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy

Resources for people with disabilities

Source: U.S. Dept of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy

Your Rights as a College Student

Resources & Support for College Students with Disabilities

Source: Student Training & Education in Public Service

Employers Committed to Disability Inclusion

Empowering diversity in the workplace

Source: Inclusively

Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace

Basic overview of reasonable accommodations in the workplace

Source: ADA National Network

Americans with Disabilities Act

Everything you need to understand your rights and responsibilities under the ADA


Requesting Accommodations during a Job Search

How to Request Disability Accommodations During a Job Search

Source: The Muse

Legal Advocacy for Disability Rights in Utah

Utah disability rights resources

Source: Disability Law Center - Utah

Disclosing a Disability

When and How to Disclose Your Disability to Your Employer

Source: Indeed

How to Ask for Accommodations

Your Guide to Requesting Accommodation Support

Source: Indeed

Reasonable Accommodation

Ensuring Equal Opportunities: Understanding Reasonable Accommodation

Source: Civil Rights Department of California

Protection and Advocacy for People with Disabilities

Learn About Advocacy for Disability Rights Nationwide

Source: National Disability Rights Network

Guidance on Workplace Accommodations

Source for Workplace Inclusion

Source: Job Accommodation Network

Know Your Disability Rights

Discover your rights as a person with a disability, whether at work, renting a home, navigating public spaces, voting, or even while incarcerated

Source: ACLU

ADA Act of 1990

Understanding Titles I and V of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)

Source: U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Workforce Disability Inclusion

Advocating for Inclusive Opportunities for All

Source: National Organization on Disability


Video: What is Neurodiversity?

Basics on neurodiversity and how it can be supported in the workplace

Source: Differing Minds

What is ADA?

Basics and Definitions of the Americans with Disabilities Act

Source: Rocky Mountain ADA Center